978 B
978 B
Arch packages
- prezto-git
- Plugins
- powerline-fonts
- pithos (native pandora radio)
- nodejs-bower
- vim
- Vundle
- vim-ruby
- vim-fugitive
- nodejs
- brackets-bin
- Brackets Git
- Brackets Outline List
- CSSLint
- CoffeeScript
- Extensions Rating
- Markdown Preview
- Minimap
- Quick Search
- Atom
- minimap
- Atom-Material-UI
- Material
- linter
- linter-clang
- autocomplete-clang sublime-text-dev
- Alignment
- Bracket Highlighter
- DocBlockr
- GitGutter
- Side Bar
- SublimeCodeIntel
- tree
- ruby
- htop
- gparted
- git
- firefox
- make
- cmake
- clang
- gcc
- bzr
- vagrant
- tmux
- docker
- yaourt
- tft-google-fonts
- syncthing
- Tixati
Cool additions
- Htop: Much better than top, but Glances is better for overall stats.
- ag/The_Silver_Surfer: Great searcher for source code and text files
- bat: Like cat but does syntax highlighting and inline git diff
- noti: Creates notifications when process finishes