Added ability to also put in youtube channel name

This commit is contained in:
hak8or 2018-03-25 04:49:36 -04:00
parent 7fa1d0edb3
commit 494b9dae2b
1 changed files with 19 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -197,31 +197,32 @@ export default Vue.extend({
GetChannelFromYT(Channel: string) : void {
// Say it failed first so if we exit early then correctly marked fail.
this.Title = "";
this.Description = "";
this.ID = "";
this.Thumbnail = "";
this.Valid = false;
// Copy over to internal ID box.
this.ID = Channel;
// Remove possible channel inputs.
// <-- Take first channel found
// EEVblog <-- Take first channel found
// Remove any potential youtube URL from the field.
const ytchurl = "";
if (this.ID.startsWith(ytchurl))
this.ID = this.ID.replace(ytchurl, "");
// Check if what remains looks like a youtube channel ID.
if (this.ID.length != "UCyS4xQE6DK4_p3qXQwJQAyA".length){
this.Title = "";
this.Description = "";
this.ID = "";
this.Thumbnail = "";
this.Valid = false;
Channel = Channel.replace("", "");
Channel = Channel.replace("/channel/", "");
Channel = Channel.replace("/user/", "");
// Get channel metadata.
const API = '';
const API_Parts = 'part=snippet%2CcontentDetails%2Cstatistics';
const API = '';
const API_Parts = 'part=snippet';
const API_Key = '&key=AIzaSyCuIYkMc5SktlnXRXNaDf2ObX-fQvtWCnQ'
const API_Search_ID = '&id=' + this.ID;
Axios.get(API + API_Parts + API_Search_ID + API_Key).then((resp) => {
const API_Search_Query =
((Channel.length == "UCyS4xQE6DK4_p3qXQwJQAyA".length) ? "&id=" : "&forUsername=")
+ Channel;
Axios.get(API + API_Parts + API_Search_Query + API_Key).then((resp) => {
this.ID =[0].id;
this.Description = _.truncate([0].snippet.description, {length: 70});
this.Title =[0].snippet.title;
this.Thumbnail =[0].snippet.thumbnails.high.url;