#!/usr/bin/env bash ########################## # Deploy script used for initilizing an Arch based container on Proxmox # You should have cowsay installed because it's awesome! ########################## # Header for this script TITLE="Deployment_Script" DEPTH=0 if [[ $DEPTH == 0 ]]; then TAGSTR="-->" elif [[ $DEPTH == 1 ]]; then TAGSTR="--->" elif [[ $DEPTH == 2 ]]; then TAGSTR="----->" elif [[ $DEPTH == 3 ]]; then TAGSTR="------>" fi echo "====== $TITLE ======" # IP address of the Proxmox host PROXMOX_IP_ADDR= PROXMOX_PORT=2221 if [[ -z $PROXMOX_IP_ADDR ]]; then echo "$TAGSTR PROXMOX_IP_ADDR was not set!" exit fi # Verify we can talk to the proxmox host. REPLYFROMSERVER=$(ssh root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR -p $PROXMOX_PORT $"echo "Hello World"") if [[ $REPLYFROMSERVER != "Hello World" ]]; then echo "$TAGSTR Failed to verify SSH connectivty with proxmox host." exit fi # Retrieve the IP address of a container as IPv4,IPv6. Arg1 is the container ID. FN_get_IPaddr (){ # IPv6 address fetch. We can't use the -4 or -6 flags because escaping turns into a nightmare. IPv6ADDR=$(ssh root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR -p $PROXMOX_PORT "pct exec $1 ip addr show dev eth0 | grep \"inet6 fe80\"") IPv6ADDR=$(echo $IPv6ADDR | awk '{a=$2; split(a, b, "/"); print b[1]}') # IPv4 address fetch IPv4ADDR=$(ssh root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR -p $PROXMOX_PORT "pct exec $1 ip addr show dev eth0 | grep \"inet 10\"") IPv4ADDR=$(echo $IPv4ADDR | awk '{a=$2; split(a, b, "/"); print b[1]}') } # Run a script on the the proxmox container. Arg 1 is container ID, arg 2 is script file. # # This uses the proxmox host as a proxy, meaning it writes the script into the host, and # then copies from proxmox to the guest, and executes on the guest. Only useful when you # can't copy to script directly to the guest, like when ssh isn't running yet. # # Run script over SSH instead of using this when possible. For example: # ssh root@$IPv6ADDR 'bash -s' < somescript.sh FN_exec_script_proxy_container(){ scp -P $PROXMOX_PORT $2 root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR:/tmp/$2 > /dev/null ssh -p $PROXMOX_PORT root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR /usr/bin/env bash <<- AcRP030Cclfad6 pct push $1 /tmp/$2 /tmp/$2 > /dev/null pct exec $1 chmod +x /tmp/$2 pct exec $1 /tmp/$2 AcRP030Cclfad6 } # Runs a single script or copies the contents of a directory and executes a script that has # the same name as the directory but with the .sh extension appended. # # Arg1 is the file name, Arg2 is the ip address. FN_copyandorexec(){ # Check if it's just a normal file (not directory). if [[ -f $1 ]]; then ssh root@$2 'bash -s' < $1 fi # If it's a directory, copy the contents. if [[ -d $1 ]]; then # This may take a while, so let user know something is happening. echo "$TAGSTR Copying contents of $1" # Use Rsync in case it's many files. # Flag -a: Archive (recursive, copy symbolic links, modification times, etc) # Flag -z: Compress (use compression when sending) # Flag -e: specifies remote shell to use (to disable fingerprint verification) rsync -aze "ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" $1 root@[$2]:/tmp # Execute the presumed script inside the directory. ssh root@$2 "cd /tmp/$1; ./$1.sh" fi } # Check if we are referring to a specific container. if [[ $1 == "-ID" ]]; then # Make sure we have a container ID if [[ -z $2 ]]; then echo "$TAGSTR No container ID was given!" exit fi # Get the machines IPv4 and IPv6 address. FN_get_IPaddr $2 # Check if this is a snapshot operation if [[ $3 == "-snapshot" ]]; then # If no snapshot name given, abort. if [[ -z $4 ]]; then echo "$TAGSTR No snapshot name given!" exit fi # Check if the snapshot exists on proxmox for this VMID. SNAPSHOT_LIST=$(ssh -p $PROXMOX_PORT root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR "pct listsnapshot $2") SNAPSHOT_LIST=$(echo "$SNAPSHOT_LIST" | awk '{print $1}' | grep $4) if [[ -z $SNAPSHOT_LIST ]]; then # Create a snapshot with this name. echo "$TAGSTR Creating a snapshot called $4 for VMID $2!" ssh -p $PROXMOX_PORT root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR "pct snapshot $2 $4" else # Restore to the snapshot echo "$TAGSTR Rollbacking VMID $2 to snapshot $4!" ssh -p $PROXMOX_PORT root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR "pct rollback $2 $4" echo "$TAGSTR Starting VMID $2!" ssh -p $PROXMOX_PORT root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR "pct start $2" fi echo "$TAGSTR $IPv4ADDR, $IPv6ADDR" exit fi # Check if a script/dir was provided. if [[ -z $3 ]]; then # No script found, just return the ip address. echo "$IPv4ADDR, $IPv6ADDR" exit else # A script/dir was found, verify it exists. if [[ -e $3 ]]; then FN_copyandorexec $3 $IPv6ADDR echo "$TAGSTR $IPv4ADDR, $IPv6ADDR" exit else echo "$TAGSTR Directory or file $3 was not found." exit fi fi fi # Make sure SSH public key is in proxmox host. This overwrites if it exists. scp -P $PROXMOX_PORT $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR:/tmp/id_rsa.pub > /dev/null # No specific container was provided, so we create one. # Can pass small script like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3872762/516959 echo "$TAGSTR Creating container" VMID=$(ssh -p $PROXMOX_PORT root@$PROXMOX_IP_ADDR /usr/bin/env bash <<-'AcRP030CAlfad6' # use the highest VMID+1 as our new VMID. This returns 1 if no VMID's exist. VMID=$(pct list | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}' | sort -nr | head -n1) VMID=$(($VMID + 1)) # VMID's less than 100 are for internal proxmox use, make sure we are >= 100. # This also could mean there were no proxmox boxes created. if [[ $VMID -lt 100 ]]; then VMID=100 fi # Get the IP Addresses CTIP=10.10.10.$(($VMID + 100))/24 CTGW= CTIPv6=2001:470:8a74::$(($VMID + 100))/64 CTGWv6=2001:470:8a74::1 # Create a new container with the VMID # Use Below to create a new container template. Can also right click in proxmox GUI # but that does not handle clearing pacman cache, etc. # https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/customize-a-lxc-template.23461/ # https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/lxc-create-template-from-existing-container.24239/ # For Arch linux: # 1. Login via pct enter instead of ssh # 2. Remove all contents of ~/.ssh folder # 3. Clear pacman cache with yay -Scc # 4. Exit and shutdown the container # 5. Remove Network interface via proxmox web GUI # 6. Create a backup (not snapshot!) # 7. Copy backup from /var/lib/vz/dump to /var/lib/vz/template/cache # 8. Rename file to better template name. TEMPLATE=archlinux_custombase_2-16-2019.tar.lzo #TEMPLATE=archlinux_custombase_4-24-2018.tar.lzo #TEMPLATE=archlinux-base_20170704-1_amd64.tar.gz #TEMPLATE=archlinux_bootstrapped_11-14-2017.tar.gz pct create $VMID /var/lib/vz/template/cache/$TEMPLATE -ssh-public-keys /tmp/id_rsa.pub -storage local-zfs -net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr2004,ip=$CTIP,gw=$CTGW,ip6=$CTIPv6,gw6=$CTGWv6, -ostype archlinux > /dev/null # Start the container. pct start $VMID > /dev/null # And say all went well. echo "$VMID" AcRP030CAlfad6 ) # Send and execute our arch init script. FN_exec_script_proxy_container $VMID arch_setup.sh # Wait a bit for the vm to initilize fully. sleep 2 # Get the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of our noew container. FN_get_IPaddr $VMID # Wipe the fingerprint of the host in case it was used earlier. ssh-keygen -R $IPv6ADDR > /dev/null ssh-keygen -R $IPv4ADDR > /dev/null # Run any potential secondary script. if [[ -n $1 ]]; then # A script was found, verify it exists. if [[ -e $1 ]]; then FN_copyandorexec $1 $IPv6ADDR else echo "$TAGSTR Directory or file $1 was not found." exit fi fi # Lastly, say we are done and what the IP address is to the terminal. echo "$TAGSTR Completed $TITLE" cowsay "Arch setup all done! VMID: $VMID, IPv4: $IPv4ADDR, IPv6: $IPv6ADDR"