To remove the timeout grub shows during bootup, edit ```/etc/default/grub``` by modfying the ```GRUB_TIMEOUT``` value. Then run ```grub-mkconfig``` as sudo to update your grub configuration. Check out [this]( post if something goes wrong.
## Getting xserver up.
# Graphics driver.
yaourt -S xf86-video-vesa
# Xorg
yaourt -S xorg-server
# So you can run startx.
yaourt -S xorg-xinit
# Xorg's default tiling manager
yaourt -S xorg-twm
# Xterm, so we actually get something on screen.
yaourt -S xterm
# Copy a sane default of .xinitrc
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
# Get an x display session up.
## Auto login and startx
To do auto login [Arch Wiki](
[Forum]( says to use [this]( but it [doesn't]( compile with newest kernel. Instead, [this]( does and seems to work fine.
The [Wiki]( has a decent bit of good info, but if using Antergos then a lot is done for you. Networking and auto window resizing works, but clipboard is still iffy. For that, you must install [some]( packages via ```yaourt -S gtkmm libxtst``` and restart the machine.