using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Google.Apis.YouTube.v3; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace YTManager.Tasks { public class FetchVideos { public static void run() { Console.WriteLine("Startnig job ..."); // YT API access key var youtubeService = new YouTubeService(new Google.Apis.Services.BaseClientService.Initializer() { ApiKey = "AIzaSyCuIYkMc5SktlnXRXNaDf2ObX-fQvtWCnQ", ApplicationName = "testingapppp" }); // Get all the channels to update. var ops = new DbContextOptionsBuilder(); string constr = ";Database=postgres;Username=postgres;Password=mysecretpassword"; ops.UseNpgsql(constr); using (var dbcontext = new MediaDB(ops.Options)) { var channels = dbcontext.Channels.ToList(); // Get all the most recent videos for each channel. channels.ForEach(ch => { // Get channel videos from youtube. var query = youtubeService.Activities.List("snippet"); query.ChannelId = ch.YTChannelID; var response = query.Execute(); // Get all videos which aren't already in the DB. var notindb = response.Items .Where(i => !dbcontext.Videos.Any(dbvid => dbvid.YTVideoID != i.Id)) .Select(newvid => new Models.Video { Title = newvid.Snippet.Title, Description = newvid.Snippet.Description, YTVideoID = newvid.Id, Uploaded = newvid.Snippet.PublishedAt.GetValueOrDefault(), AddedtoDB = DateTime.Now, Channel = ch, ThumbnailURL = newvid.Snippet.Thumbnails.Medium.Url }).ToList(); // Add all videos not already in the database over. notindb.ForEach(newvid => dbcontext.Videos.Add(newvid)); // And save since we are done. dbcontext.SaveChanges(); }); } } } }