using System.Linq; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Hangfire.Storage; namespace YTManager.Controllers { [Produces("application/json")] [Route("api/Admin")] public class AdminController : Controller { // Get the mass update daemon job. private static RecurringJobDto get_massupdatedaemon() { return Hangfire.JobStorage .Current .GetConnection() .GetRecurringJobs() .SingleOrDefault(j => j.Id == Mass_Updater_ID); } // ID for mass update job, used to tell if the job is running or not. public static string Mass_Updater_ID { get; } = "2013066213"; // POST api/Admin/Trigger_Mass_Update // Trigger a mass channel update. [HttpPost("Trigger_Mass_Update")] public IActionResult Trigger_Mass_Update() { Hangfire.RecurringJob.Trigger(Mass_Updater_ID); return Ok(); } // POST api/Admin/Update/YTChannelID // Update the videos for a specific channel. [HttpPost("Update/{YoutubeID}")] public IActionResult Update([FromRoute] string YoutubeID) { Hangfire.BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Tasks.FetchVideos.ChannelUpdate(Startup.DBStr, YoutubeID)); return Ok(); } // POST api/Admin/Start_Updater // Ensures that the background YT Channel update API is running. [HttpPost("Start_Updater")] public IActionResult Start_Updater() { if (get_massupdatedaemon() == null) { Hangfire.RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate( Mass_Updater_ID, () => Tasks.FetchVideos.MassUpdate(Startup.DBStr), Hangfire.Cron.Minutely); } return Ok(); } // GET api/Admin/Updater // Check if the periodic update job is enqued. [HttpGet("Update")] public IActionResult Get_Update_Status() { return Ok(get_massupdatedaemon() == null ? "false" : "true"); } // Testing [HttpGet("Test")] public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Test() { // await Tasks.FetchVideos.MassUpdate(Startup.DBStr); // var vids = Tasks.FetchVideos.Get_YTVideos("UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q", 1).Result; // return Ok(vids); return Ok(); } } }